Sunday, 10 May 2015

Should you use Creatine when 'Cutting' ?

The fitness jargon 'cutting' refers to when your trying to drop bodyfat by reducing or cutting your calorie intake. In most cases you will be cutting your carbohydrates, fats and sugars to make your body become calorie deficient. 

Creatine is a natural compound made in the body and is derived from the diet through meat products. In the body, creatine is changed into a molecule called phosphocreatine which serves as a storage reservoir for regenerating ATP. ATP is the chemical source of energy for muscle contraction and quick energy. Phosphocreatine is an important source of ATP energy in muscle tissue and there is many studies that can prove that creatine can increase the performance in athletes in activities that require quick bursts of energy. (sprinting and weight lifting). Creatine supplementation combined with lifting weights will result in improvements in muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle size) and strength through cell volumization and increased protein synthesis.

Creatine will not hinder fat loss in any way, creatine will also not cause water retention if you are on a maintenance dose. (3-5g per day) Creatine holds water intracellular, NOT extracellular, so if anything it should make you appear more ripped due to muscle fullness. However it may cause slight bloating in some people, (dose dependent) but it wont cause extracellular water retention. Water retention from creatine is a common bodybuilding myth as an excuse as to why they are still holding a bit of fat.

So should you use creatine when cutting? YES!

The video below, goes in more detail about how creatine works:


Published by Kevin


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